Modular and powerful maintenance software / CMMS for all requirements in the modern maintenance management. isproNG communicates through interfaces with all common ERP systems as well as with machines and sensors (MES, BDE, OPC) and is therefore the answer to the topic of Industry 4.0 and "Predictive Maintenance".

Management Modules
Our solutions cover all aspects of supplier-, document- and project-management and support you in capture and administrate your master data and user rights.

Plant Structure
Definition and documentation of plants and equipment by means of a clearly illustrated structure tree over several free defineable levels. Comprehensive selections and evaluations through machine types.

Spare parts management
Guaranteed cost reduction, transparency and availability due to our efficient Spare Parts Management. The complete Purchase Module fulfills all requirements in the purchase of your technical parts and materials.

Our powerful and user friendly Maintenance Management supports you in planning, administration and examination of your maintenance tasks. It covers all important fields like inspection, maintenance, reparation or legally prescribed inspections.

KPIs / Dashboard
With our statistics, analyses and key figures we offer the management optimally prepared information for strategic decisions and support for the Continuous Improvement Process.

ispro - Mobile
Clever & smart - the new app of isproNG for Android, iOS and Windows. Automated actions with QR-code and NFC technology. Use of data glasses and other wearables.

Web Portal
Keep the overview about all maintenance tasks and carry them out wherever you want. All information on demand from any browser.